the most efficient way to make

  updated 2 Jan, 2021

PMP Exam Simulator

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Running at the same pace and 100% as tough as the actual PMP Exam
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Adjustable duration: from 30 minutes up to 230 minutes
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Acceleration feature makes your Mock Exam even harder
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Display or hide correct answers depending on your goal
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Each Mock Exam is unique - the questions are randomly selected from the database
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Answers are regularly shuffled to make sure even those with the best visual memory have to rely only on their knowledge

PMP Exam Simulator

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3h 50m 0s
info iconPMP exam lasts 230min and has 180 questions
info iconUse acceleration to have extra 30m in reserve on exam
Fields Statistics

Fields Statistics

After completing

Mock Exam

using PMP Exam Simulator you are able to get detailed Statistics of each Field. Our Simulator shuffles

sample questions

all the time and you will get a random number of questions from each Field. In the Statistics you can monitor if a particular Field requires improvement. There is an option to lock each Field by pressing lock and practice answering questions selectively.
Questions Statistics

Questions Statistics

After getting through PMP Exam Simulator you will also get step by step Statistics of every question you answered. You will be able to go back to each question and try to answer it one more time. Look at the mistakes you've made, read a comprehensive explanation, make sure you understand the logic behind the correct answer and keep moving forward.
Effective PMP Preparation
is all about continuous practice!

Performance Chart

PMP Exam Simulator processes your Mock Exam results and generates Performance Chart to show where you stand. The closer you are to the 'Target' or even better 'Above Target' score, the greater the chances are to get
PMP Certification
from the first attempt. Do not rush to schedule your PMP Exam if our PMP Exam Simulator score is 'Below Target' or 'Needs Improvement'. It's not recommended to rely only on a single good result, anyone can get lucky. You are ready when you have consecutive high scores.
Performance Chart